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Imperative mode (ref)

Using the ReactTooltip imperative mode to control the tooltip programmatically.

Basic usage

A ref object created with React.useRef() can be passed to the ref tooltip prop. It allows you to expose internal state variables (read-only), and to also control the tooltip programmatically.


interface TooltipImperativeOpenOptions {
anchorSelect?: string
position?: IPosition
place?: PlacesType
* In practice, `ChildrenType` -> `React.ReactNode`
content?: ChildrenType
* Delay (in ms) before opening the tooltip.
delay?: number

interface TooltipImperativeCloseOptions {
* Delay (in ms) before closing the tooltip.
delay?: number

interface TooltipRefProps {
open: (options?: TooltipImperativeOpenOptions) => void
close: (options?: TooltipImperativeCloseOptions) => void
* @readonly
activeAnchor: HTMLElement | null
* @readonly
place: PlacesType
* @readonly
isOpen: boolean



The imperative methods can be applied alongside regular tooltip usage. For example, you could use just close() to close a regular tooltip after an HTTP request is finished.

If you intend to use the tooltip exclusively with these methods, setting the imperativeModeOnly prop to disable default behavior is recommended. Otherwise, you might face undesired behavior.

  • open() opens the tooltip programmatically. All arguments are optional
    • anchorSelect overrides the current selector. Ideally, it should match only one element (e.g. #my-element)
    • position overrides the position tooltip prop
    • place overrides the place tooltip prop
    • content overrides the tooltip content, whether it was set through content, render, or any other way
    • delay indicates how long (in ms) before the tooltip actually opens
  • close() closes the tooltip programmatically
    • delay indicates how long (in ms) before the tooltip actually closes

Internal state


These are read-only. Updating their values has no effect on the tooltip.

  • activeAnchor is a reference to the current anchor element
  • place is the current tooltip placement relative to the anchor element. Can differ from the place tooltip prop if the tooltip is close to the edges of its container
  • isOpen indicates whether the tooltip is currently being shown or not
import { useRef } from 'react';
import { Tooltip, TooltipRefProps } from 'react-tooltip';

const tooltipRef1 = useRef<TooltipRefProps>(null)
const tooltipRef2 = useRef<TooltipRefProps>(null)

<a id="my-element">
onClick={() => {
anchorSelect: '#my-element',
content: 'Hello world!',
position: {
x: Math.random() * 500,
y: Math.random() * 300,
place: 'bottom',
content: 'Where am I? 😕😕',
onClick={() => {
<Tooltip ref={tooltipRef1} />
<Tooltip ref={tooltipRef2} />

Notice the tooltip still closes when unhovering the anchor element. This might be undesired if you're using the imperative methods exclusively.

If that's the case, use the imperativeModeOnly tooltip prop to disable default tooltip behavior.
