All available data attributes for the anchor element and props for the tooltip component.
Data attributes
import { Tooltip } from 'react-tooltip';
data-tooltip-content="Hello world!"
<Tooltip id="my-tooltip" />
Available attributes
name | type | required | default | values | description |
data-tooltip-id | string | false | The id set on the tooltip element (same as V4's data-for ) | ||
data-tooltip-content | string | false | Content to be displayed in the tooltip (html is priorized over content ) | ||
data-tooltip-html | string | false | HTML content to be displayed in tooltip | ||
data-tooltip-place | string | false | top | top top-start top-end right right-start right-end bottom bottom-start bottom-end left left-start left-end | Position relative to the anchor element where the tooltip will be rendered (if possible) |
data-tooltip-offset | number | false | 10 | any number | Space between the tooltip element and anchor element (arrow not included in the calculation) |
data-tooltip-variant | string | false | dark | dark light success warning error info | Change the tooltip style with default presets |
data-tooltip-wrapper | string | false | div | div span | Element wrapper for the tooltip container, can be div , span , p or any valid HTML tag |
hover | hover click hover click | DEPRECATED Use openOnClick tooltip prop instead | |||
data-tooltip-position-strategy | string | false | absolute | absolute fixed | The position strategy used for the tooltip. Set to fixed if you run into issues with overflow: hidden on the tooltip parent container |
data-tooltip-delay-show | number | false | any number | The delay (in ms) before showing the tooltip | |
data-tooltip-delay-hide | number | false | any number | The delay (in ms) before hiding the tooltip | |
data-tooltip-float | boolean | false | false | true false | Tooltip will follow the mouse position when it moves inside the anchor element (same as V4's effect="float" ) |
data-tooltip-hidden | boolean | false | false | true false | Tooltip will not be shown |
data-tooltip-class-name | string | false | Classnames for the tooltip container |
import { Tooltip } from 'react-tooltip';
<a id="my-anchor-element">◕‿‿◕</a>
content="Hello world!"
Available props
name | type | required | default | values | description |
ref | Tooltip reference | no | React.useRef | Reference object which exposes internal state, and some methods for manually controlling the tooltip. See the examples. | |
className | string | no | Class name to customize tooltip element. You can also use the default class react-tooltip which is set internally | ||
classNameArrow | string | no | Class name to customize tooltip arrow element. You can also use the default class react-tooltip-arrow which is set internally | ||
content | string | no | Content to be displayed in tooltip (html prop is priorized over content ) | ||
html | string | DEPRECATED Use children or render instead | |||
render | function | no | A function which receives a ref to the currently active anchor element and returns the content for the tooltip. Check the examples | ||
place | string | no | top | top top-start top-end right right-start right-end bottom bottom-start bottom-end left left-start left-end | Position relative to the anchor element where the tooltip will be rendered (if possible) |
offset | number | no | 10 | any number | Space between the tooltip element and anchor element (arrow not included in calculation) |
id | string | no | any string | The tooltip id. Must be set when using data-tooltip-id on the anchor element | |
anchorId | string | string | DEPRECATED Use data-tooltip-id or anchorSelect instead | ||
anchorSelect | CSS selector | no | any valid CSS selector | The selector for the anchor elements. Check the examples for more details | |
variant | string | no | dark | dark light success warning error info | Change the tooltip style with default presets |
wrapper | HTML tag | no | div | div span p ... | Element wrapper for the tooltip container, can be div , span , p or any valid HTML tag |
children | React node | no | undefined | valid React children | The tooltip children have lower priority compared to the content prop and the data-tooltip-content attribute. Useful for setting default content |
events | string[] | hover | hover click | DEPRECATED Use openOnClick tooltip prop instead | |
openOnClick | boolean | no | false | true false | When enabled, the tooltip will open on click instead of on hover. Use openEvents , closeEvents , and globalCloseEvents for more customization |
positionStrategy | string | no | absolute | absolute fixed | The position strategy used for the tooltip. Set to fixed if you run into issues with overflow: hidden on the tooltip parent container |
delayShow | number | no | any number | The delay (in ms) before showing the tooltip | |
delayHide | number | no | any number | The delay (in ms) before hiding the tooltip | |
float | boolean | no | false | true false | Tooltip will follow the mouse position when it moves inside the anchor element (same as V4's effect="float" ) |
hidden | boolean | no | false | true false | Tooltip will not be shown |
noArrow | boolean | no | false | true false | Tooltip arrow will not be shown |
clickable | boolean | no | false | true false | Allow interaction with elements inside the tooltip. Useful when using buttons and inputs |
closeOnEsc | boolean | false | true false | DEPRECATED Use globalCloseEvents instead. | |
closeOnScroll | boolean | false | true false | DEPRECATED Use globalCloseEvents instead. | |
closeOnResize | boolean | false | true false | DEPRECATED Use globalCloseEvents instead. | |
openEvents | Record<string, boolean> | no | mouseover focus | mouseover focus mouseenter click dblclick mousedown | Events to be listened on the anchor elements to open the tooltip |
closeEvents | Record<string, boolean> | no | mouseout blur | mouseout blur mouseleave click dblclick mouseup | Events to be listened on the anchor elements to close the tooltip |
globalCloseEvents | Record<string, boolean> | no | escape scroll resize clickOutsideAnchor | Global events to be listened to close the tooltip (escape closes on pressing ESC , clickOutsideAnchor is useful with click events on openEvents ) | |
imperativeModeOnly | boolean | no | false | true false | When enabled, default tooltip behavior is disabled. Check the examples for more details |
style | CSSProperties | no | a CSS style object | Add inline styles directly to the tooltip | |
position | { x: number; y: number } | no | any number value for both x and y | Override the tooltip position on the DOM | |
isOpen | boolean | no | true false | The tooltip can be controlled or uncontrolled, this attribute can be used to handle show and hide tooltip outside tooltip (can be used without setIsOpen ) | |
defaultIsOpen | boolean | no | false | true false | It determines the initial visibility of the tooltip. If true, the tooltip is shown by default, if false or not provided then it's in hidden state by default. |
setIsOpen | function | no | The tooltip can be controlled or uncontrolled, this attribute can be used to handle show and hide tooltip outside tooltip | ||
afterShow | function | no | A function to be called after the tooltip is shown | ||
afterHide | function | no | A function to be called after the tooltip is hidden | ||
disableTooltip | function | no | A function that takes a ref to each anchor element and returns a boolean indicating whether to hide the tooltip for that specific anchor. | ||
middlewares | Middleware[] | no | array of valid floating-ui middlewares | Allows for advanced customization. Check the floating-ui docs for more information | |
border | CSS border | no | a CSS border style | Change the style of the tooltip border (including the arrow) | |
opacity | CSS opacity | no | 0.9 | a CSS opacity value | Change the opacity of the tooltip |
arrowColor | CSS color | no | a CSS background color | Change color of the tooltip arrow | |
disableStyleInjection | boolean or 'core' | no | false | true false 'core' | Whether to disable automatic style injection. Do not set dynamically. Check the styling page for more details |
role | React.AriaRole | no | tooltip | 'tooltip' 'dialog' | Set ARIA role, either tooltip or dialog if the tooltip should contain focusable elements |