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Using HTML content in ReactTooltip component.

Using data-tooltip-html attribute


You can also use renderToStaticMarkup() to render HTML/JSX.

import { Tooltip } from 'react-tooltip';

data-tooltip-html="<div><h3>Cool stuff</h3><ul><li>This is cool</li><li>This too</li></ul></div>"
<Tooltip id="my-tooltip-data-html" />

Using html prop


You should probably pass the content as children to the tooltip instead.

import { Tooltip } from 'react-tooltip';

<a data-tooltip-id="my-tooltip-html-prop">◕‿‿◕</a>
html="Hello<br /><s>multiline</s><br /><b>HTML</b><br />tooltip"

Security note

The html option allows a tooltip to directly display raw HTML. This is a security risk if any of that content is supplied by the user. Any user-supplied content must be sanitized, using a package like sanitize-html. We chose not to include sanitization after discovering it increased our package size too much - we don't want to penalize people who don't use the html option.

JSX note

You can use renderToStaticMarkup() function to use JSX instead of HTML. Example:

import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server';
data-tooltip-html={ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup(<div>I am <b>JSX</b> content</div>)}