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Changelog V4 -> V5

If you are using V4 and want to upgrade to V5, you can see what changed below.

From V4 to V5

V4 was a great react tooltip component but was built a while ago using React class components, whick makes it hard to maintain, and for the community give contributions.

With this in mind, we built a new version of ReactTooltip using floating-ui behind the scenes. This resulted in a great improvement in performance, and made it easier for the community to contribute to the project.


  • Dropped package dependency uuid
  • Dropped package dependency prop-types
  • V5 is written in TypeScript
  • V5 has minified and unminified files available to be used as you want

Breaking Changes

  • All data attributes are now prefixed with data-tooltip-
  • Default Padding changed from padding: 8px 21px; to padding: 8px 16px;
  • Exported module now is Tooltip instead of ReactTooltip
  • If you already have a Tooltip component in your application and want to explicitly declare this as ReactTooltip, just import { Tooltip as ReactTooltip } from "react-tooltip"
  • data-for attribute now is data-tooltip-id
  • data-tip attribute now is data-tooltip-content
  • getContent prop was removed. Instead, you can directly pass dynamic content to the content tooltip prop, or to data-tooltip-content in the anchor element, or use the new render tooltip prop
  • Default behavior of tooltip now is equivalent to V4's solid effect, instead of float. The new float prop can be set to achieve V4's effect="float". See Options for more details

What about ReactTooltip.rebuild()?

A common question V4 users have when upgrading to V5 is about ReactTooltip.rebuild(). Rebuilding the tooltip was a required step when using V4 with dynamic content. It isn't necessary when using V5.

The tooltip component now automatically watches for any changes made to the DOM and updates accordingly, without any extra steps needed.

If you run into any problems with the tooltip not updating after changes are made in other components, please open a GitHub issue reporting what you find, ideally with a sample CodeSandbox (or something similar) to help us pinpoint the problem.

New Props

  • classNameArrow
  • openOnClick - boolean - when set, the tooltip will open on click instead of on hover
  • isOpen - boolean (to control tooltip state) - if not used, tooltip state will be handled internally
  • setIsOpen - function (to control tooltip state) - if not used, tooltip state will be handled internally
  • position - { x: number; y: number } - similar to V4's overridePosition
  • float - boolean - used to achieve V4's effect="float"
  • hidden - boolean - when set, the tooltip will not show
  • render - function - can be used to render dynamic content based on the active anchor element (check the examples for more details)
  • closeOnEsc - DEPRECATED - boolean - when set, the tooltip will close after pressing the escape key
  • closeOnScroll - DEPRECATED - boolean - when set, the tooltip will close when scrolling (similar to V4's scrollHide)
  • closeOnResize - DEPRECATED - boolean - when set, the tooltip will close when resizing the window (same as V4's resizeHide)

Use globalCloseEvents instead of closeOnEsc, closeOnScroll, and closeOnResize. See the options page for more details.

V4 props available in V5

  • children
  • place - also available on anchor element as data-tooltip-place
  • type - use variant. also available on anchor element as data-tooltip-variant
  • effect - use float prop
  • offset - also available on anchor element as data-tooltip-offset
  • padding - use className and custom CSS
  • multiline - supported by default in content and html props
  • border
  • borderClass - use border prop
  • textColor - use className and custom CSS
  • backgroundColor - use className and custom CSS
  • borderColor - use border prop
  • arrowColor
  • arrowRadius - use className and custom CSS
  • tooltipRadius - use className and custom CSS
  • insecure
  • className
  • id
  • html
  • delayHide - also available on anchor element as data-delay-hide
  • delayUpdate - can be implemented if requested
  • delayShow - also available on anchor element as data-delay-show
  • event - functionality changed and renamed to openEvents
  • eventOff - functionality changed and renamed to closeEvents
  • isCapture
  • globalEventOff - functionality changed and renamed to globalCloseEvents
  • getContent - pass dynamic values to content instead
  • afterShow
  • afterHide
  • overridePosition - use position
  • disable
  • scrollHide - renamed to closeOnScroll
  • resizeHide - renamed to closeOnResize
  • wrapper - also available on anchor element as data-tooltip-wrapper
  • bodyMode
  • clickable
  • disableInternalStyle - renamed to disableStyleInjection

Detailed informations

Check all V5 options here.